Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quote Board

Reuben: Its time for apple sauce and burnt toast!
Mommy: Burnt Toast? where did you get that idea?
Reuben: NO! apple sauce and burnt toast!
Mommy: Burnt Toast? Did you learn that from grandma?
Reuben: NO! Purnt tOAST!
Mommy: Pork Roast?
Reuben: YES! PurnK tRoast! and applesauce


Tammy Lorna said...

I love it :)

emilysuze said...

He's such a trip! :)

Mindy said...

Amazing how you figure things out! Sometimes me and Henry just end up frustrated...and I still don't know what he said.

Lark said...

His grandma only ate burnt toast because none of her family would and there was only so much bread to go around. And naturally her children just assumed she liked burnt toast. After all that is the way she was raised being taught by her father how to use a butter knife as a tool for scraping the burn off toast.