Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mamma Mia Sing-Along

In honor Jamie's Birthday we went to the Mamma Mia Sing-Along at the Lincoln Center AMC theater. The girls sitting in front of us were shocked that we ALL knew each other, "How?!" All I have to say is not only is the gospel true, and that's why I really love being a Latter-day Saint, but it also has other benefits--like babysitters, and like-minded people who quickly become friends.

Now, for the movie review... It is SOOOO cheesy! I am so glad I waited for the sing-along to see it because I had permission to sing along and laugh hysterically at James Bond, who was the best and worst part of the whole thing.

Justin would love it, but not for any cinematic reasons.


Lisa Brown said...

How much fun! I still haven't seen that movie yet, but it looks cute.

Kourtney said...

Oh man, Catherine and I went to the preview of that movie and I have to say it was quite painful. Brosnan was just dreadful, wasn't he? Every time I sang I couldn't stop shaking my head thinking, "No, please, just stop. Oh no, oh goodness, that is just awful... ouch." But, nevertheless, the next day we were happily singing Abba songs so it must have had some merit.

Tammy Lorna said...

haha! I have been hearing about the singalong version, but I went and saw 'real' version with my mum.

Yes - James bond was absolutely crazy :)

You know the two spots where we couldn't stop laughing?: the 'Dancing Queen' song, and the final 'credits' dances, when the men came on.

Glad you've got a great group of friends though - looks like fun.

xo Tammy