Friday, December 23, 2011

Lights on Temple Square

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We met daddy after work to walk around temple square. Simeon let out little gasps of ohhs and ahhs. Reuben just wanted to see every nativity. It was a pleasant evening complete with raspberry bread pudding from The Nauvoo Cafe, that stuff is delicious.

We caught the tale end of a high school choir performing in the visitor center, they were very good and it strengthened my resolve to find a choir in January to join.

I don't know of anything funnier than kids in snow suits. After freezing their tales off at the zoo lights, we had them wear their snow pants. No one got cold, and we had a completely pleasant night.


Talyn said...

I have connections to two community choirs in alcohol if you want them.

Talyn said...

That was a very strange auto correct. SLC not alcohol.