Saturday, February 23, 2008

Book Tag

  1. Pick up the nearest book (one of at least 123 pages)
  2. Open the page to 123
  3. Find the 5th sentence.
  4. Post the next 3 sentences
  5. Tag 5 people.
Then suddenly he remembered a story which Christopher Robin had told him about a man on a desert island who had written something in a bottle and thrown it in the sea; and Piglet thought that if he wrote something in a bottle and threw it in the water, perhaps somebody would come and rescue him!

He left the window and began to search his house all of it that wasn't under water, and at last he found a pencil and a small piece of dry paper, and a bottle with a cork to it. And he wrote on one side of the paper:
and on the other side:

Milne, A. A., The world of Pooh: The complete Winnie-the-Pooh and the house at Pooh Corner. (1957) Dutton Children's Books: New York

It wasn't the 5th sentence because the page has a picture on it so there are only two and a half sentences on the page.

Tag your it, Becki, Talyn, Mindy, Kate, Jocelyn.

1 comment:

Lark said...

'I am Contemplation,' she said. 'Rise and come with me.' 'You are not like the Contemplation that I know,' said John.