Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. To be honest I'm not one for New Year Celebrations. I love being with my family and talking and laughing and eating, thankfully this happens more then just New Years eve. I think with my hobby of scrapbooking that I already do a lot of reflecting, so I don't need a night to think about that. My difficulty with numbers makes me type the wrong date until August when my brain finally registers the new year. And, I hate predictions and resolutions, because in February it seems I have already gone off track from making the predictions come true and keeping the resolution.

But, I will wish you a happy new year.

I have 2 goals (not resolutions), which I may decide to report about on the blog so I feel like its a responsibility instead of a you-have-to-do-this-because-its-what-people-do.

In other news, I am going to brag: Justin, not only proved to be the best husband ever by publicly admitting that I am always right, but got a few high passes in his classes. My husband goes to Columbia (an Ivy League School) and got high passes. Does this mean he will graduate and get a good job so we can pay back the student loans... time will tell, but for now, I am proud of him.


Jessica said...

You just need to start more interesting traditions to make you enjoy New Year's. If you had a fondue party and made Justin see how many marshmallows he could stuff in his mouth, and dressed up in weird hats and boas, and rode around in the back of a car banging pots and pans at midnight and put a fake mustache on your cat (oh wait, you don't have a car or a cat, but you get the idea), you would enjoy it.

Congrats on doing well in all your classes Justin. That's always exciting.

Tammy Lorna said...

I've never been a big one for new years celebrations either. I never really care about staying up till midnight, and usually wish I could be asleep in bed instead - but I always feel guilty about that! It's as if I have some defective gean that means I'm incapable of feeling New Years Joy. So I keep quiet, smile and drink maison, so that they other robots won't dismantle me and use my spare parts to make new, effective robots!

(Movie plot for you right there Justin!)

Happy new years though :) I hope you both look back on the 2008 as a fabulous year.

And Justin - congratulations, that's really awesome, although I'm not suprised at all ;)

xo Tammy