Sunday, November 25, 2007

Scene it? Sharp Cheddar Mac 'n Bacon--and a Party of Six and-a-half

Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was delicious--and you see I had so much fun at the party I didn't even take any photos, sad. Because you know why? I have to step outside of the event to take the photos, I have to pull out of the scene and put up the fourth wall so I can compose and create--and therefore I cannot give my full attention to friends and loved ones during the celebration. Indeed, it is truly the most important moments, those incredibly enlightening conversations or those fleeting epiphanies that cannot be captured through the lens of the camera. It reminds me of that great poem by Adrienne Rich called "For an Albm"--which is used in BYU TMA 185 film projects quite often, thanks to Brecken's inspiration those nearly three years ago. We had a fine little time, us, the Cowley's, the Combs'--and though we missed the Utleys (and those of you who read this), our party of 6.5 (little Reubster) and a night of movie trivia mingled with conversation proved that the best moments are shared in good company--and that includes the sharp cheddar mac 'n bacon with a side of pie.

1 comment:

Tammy Lorna said...

Sounds like so much fun!

Lucky I wasn't there, so someone else could have a turn winning the games....

:) Tammy