Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I worked three hours yesterday.

Yesterday was Justin's first day of orientation. It didn't start until ten, so we walked around the block in the morning so we could get some breakfast...we aren't used to this buy a little everyday thing and ran out of food. We went to Chokolate, a pastry store. I'm sorry to say it wasn't to-die-for, but it was good. I also found out that the Curves I was planning to go to closed... I would have to take the train to the next one, that would be an additional 24 dollars a month and I probably wouldn't take the train by myself, and even though it would only be 10 minutes of travel, that adds up when you don't have much time to yourself. So I have to take Reuben to a different playground every other day so I can get some walking in. I really liked Curves, it worked for me, but I didn't like it enough to have it be the most stressful thing in my life.

Justin left, and Reuben screamed at the door. This is a new sound for Reuben, he used to cry, now he screams. After 15 minutes of screaming, I got him to calm down, when someone is unlocking the door... Justin walks in, Reuben runs to him and screams. Justin says, "I forgot my phone." I say, "I love you, now just leave." and Reuben screamed for another 15 minutes. I hope this is not a new morning ritual.

I went up to our neighbor's apartment to use their Internet and worked for three hours. It was so nice to work... weird to say, huh? I have found that I love it here, but it was nice to have something that reminded of normal. I read this morning that Talyn was feeling the same way too.

Justin came home around 4, for an hour. It was so nice to see him. It sounded like he had a good time, and was very excited about the program. He informed me that part of his education is living in New York. And that he is going to have to do things he can only do in New York. Well, I would be willing to skip the film festivals, but I'm glad that he has to go to museums. He left around 5, and Reuben (because he had a pickle) did not scream.

Reuben and I watched Emperor's New Groove, and played cars, and big hug. Big hug is my favorite. I sit on the floor, then open up my arms and say, "big hug," then Reuben looks at me with a funny face, and I yell, "BIG HUG" then he looks away from me, then he runs in my direction to run into me and give me a hug. Then he laughs and leaves. I have to wait till he wants to play again, but I can usually get 4 or 5 big hugs in an hour.

Justin came home at 9. He was very glad that he is doing this at this stage of his life, because he is more HIM, instead of thinking that he has to be like the OTHER to make it. I am glad of this too, because I like him (okay, love) but I don't like the other. Maybe he will describe it.

Internet tomorrow... look out for pictures!

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